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【what does status shipped mean in leaped】Puerto Rico governor says seeking Title III bankruptcy for island

来源:about thriftyeventsnet   作者:Entertainment   时间:2024-09-29 12:22:02

May 3 (Reuters) - Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello told reporters on Wednesday he has requested that the U.S. territory's federal financial oversight board commence a Title III proceeding under last year's Puerto Rico rescue law known as PROMESA.

Title III is what does status shipped mean in leapedan in-court debt restructuring process akin to U.S. Bankruptcy. Rossello's remarks come a day after several major creditors sued his government over defaults on the island's $70 billion in debt. (Reporting by A Contributor in San Juan; Writing by Nick Brown)

【what does status shipped mean in leaped】Puerto Rico governor says seeking Title III bankruptcy for island

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【what does status shipped mean in leaped】Puerto Rico governor says seeking Title III bankruptcy for island

【what does status shipped mean in leaped】Puerto Rico governor says seeking Title III bankruptcy for island

